Subjects studied
Warsaw University of Technology
Numerical Methods
Material Strength
Material Engineering
Algebra and Geometry
Mathematical Analysis
Measurement and Dimensional Analysis
Special Functions and Integral Transformations
Economic Law
Efficient Communication
Computer Programming
Programing in C Language
Medical Computer Science
Microprocessor Controller Design
Principles of Computer Applications
Principles of Computer Operation and Programming
Basic Metrology
Material Strength
Material Engineering
Engineering Graphics
Manufacturing Technology Laboratory
Introduction to Manufacturing Technologies
Introduction to Precision Equipment Construction
Basic Automatics
Fundamentals of Automatics
The Automation of Discret Processes and Robotics
Electronic Circuit
Basic Electronics
Theory and Signal Processing
Electronic Circuit Laboratory
Laboratory of Research Methodology
Metrology of Electrical Quantities
Theoretical Electrical Engineering
Introduction to Quality Engineering
Transducers and Measuring Instruments
Introduction to Scientific Information
Photonic Engineering
Medical Equipment
Medicine Propaedeutic
Artificial Human Organs
Electro-Medical Equipment
Introduction to Biophysics
Medical Electronic Circuits
Non-Newtonian Fluid Dynamics
Mechatronics Equipment Design
The Structure of the Human Body
Equipment for Medical Diagnosis
Interim Project – Problem Laboratory
Transducers and Measuring Instruments
Equipment for Medical Diagnosis Imaging
Modeling of Fluids in Biological Systems
Emergency and Intensive Care Instrumentation
Laboratory of Precision Equipment Construction
Introduction to Precision Equipment Construction
Physical and Medical Basics of Biomedical Engineering
The Technology of Components used in Medical Engineering
Materials Engineering, Design and Technology of Components for Medical Engineering
Diploma Seminar, Master of Science Thesis: “Design and construction of a cylindrical, slotted recombination chamber for measuring of neutron doses in electron beams of medical linear accelerators”.